If you've been keeping up with these posts, you've noticed a trend starting to develop. I've been talking a bit more on the danger and power of confidence (ego, holy confidence), and will continue that theme by fleshing out how holy confidence might manifest in healthy leadership.
What do you think is the most important role of a worship leader on a Sunday morning? Worshiper? Unfortunately, no. Singer? Not quite. M.C.? Getting closer. Communicator? Yes. In these gatherings, our main job is to communicate awesome truths about this strange, strange story we call God's redemptive plan for mankind.
Communication happens on many levels: the words we use, the posture we hold, the expressions we make, and the space we leave. By definition, communication must be two-way; a complete transmission from one to another. And here's where the master theme continues: without confidence, what we express falls flat, and true communication ceases. If we lack confidence as we lead worship, how could anybody receive our message and follow us anywhere?
Let's take a look at how Jesus exemplified this by calling some strangers to follow Him indefinitely. Do you think Simon Peter and Andrew would have jumped out of their boat if they didn't believe Jesus could actually change the course of their lives forever (Matthew 4:18-20)? Would James and John have chosen to leave their family and livelihood (Matthew 4:21-22) to follow an unknown drifter they didn't believe? Somehow, in Jesus' brief exchanges, His message was sent and received, bearing immediate fruit within the audience.
Now, pretend Jesus wasn't confident as He invited these four to follow Him. Would they have followed?
Before this encounter, according to the Gospels, Jesus was virtually unknown. When we worship leaders step up front, we might very well be unknown to many. Or, perhaps this message we declare in song and word is unknown. So, we must communicate with confidence.
Let's smile as we declare God's faithfulness to the generations. Let's be the first to raise hands in praise or bow down in surrender. Let's not hide behind our closed eyelids, lobbing another song into the room, hoping somebody might catch it. Let's participate in the message. Let's stand courageously in the invitation, and watch people receive it.
Without this confidence, communication dies. Without confident communication, we leave future disciples with nothing to follow.
(none yet)
Ryan is a singer/songwriter and worship leader from Baltimore, Maryland. He plays the piano, guitars, keyboards, and ukulele.
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