Lord, I know it's Your Will and I cling to it still
No matter what the darkness might say
I know You'll see me through like You always do
But it's hard to see the Truth today
Your wisdom reveals all of me that I steal
From Your righteousness each day
Lord, I pray that I see You I know that I need You
Especially today
I can see You revealing Your Truth to me
I'm feeling Your healing setting me free!
Now I know the right thing to do is to
Just let go and You Will see me through
Take control; make me new
Take my soul; I surrender it to You
Through faith I believe and I long to receive
Your comfort in me
I feel that it's there but I don't even care
My heart's eyes are closed, and I can't see
You brought me this pain so I'd trust in Your Name
That You would make me clean
I feel You right now; You are in me right now
And I humbly bow down; You're what I need
Now I know.
Take my soul.
Now I know.